
Now we’re back… Really!

Pallet of Jars, Mike & Sam Anniversary

The old adage "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." is alive and well in our household. After our post late June, we started started prepping to move so we could get the remodel of our house started. Thankfully we were able to rent the house across the street from ours and moved in the first week of August.

After finally settling in and kicking off our remodel, we received word that Sam's follow up surgery could be moved up from late October to early September. We had less than a week to get everything in place to leave for San Antonio for the surgery and return for the recovery. Again, thankfully everything went extremely well and we are extremely thankful for all the support from our family and friends!

While Sam was in recovery, I was able to start putting some effort into working towards restarting production. With our new production processes having been approved, we are able to start using commercial jars and lids. For that, we purchased a pallet of jars (1176!) and lids (over 2k!) to use for the upcoming batches!

To all that above, throw in a son's birthday celebration, the ever present remodeling decisions and Sam's and my anniversary, we're finally to a point where we are making a large batch this weekend! We're not doing pre-orders this time as there will be plenty of salsa available, but we will post next week to order on the website as soon at the jars are ready for sale.

Thank you all again for your support. We're excited to get production started up again and heading out to the markets and delivering.
- Mike & Sam