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Buy Our Salsa!!

It's "Crack on a chip"!

About Us

Our Salsa

Guajardo’s Salsas is home of the addicting Five Pepper Sweet Salsa. Our small batch products (Medium, Habanero, Double Habanero, Ghost & Hot Mix) contain no added water, sugar or preservatives and has been called ‘crack on a chip’ by many.

Our Story

Over his lifetime, founder Mike Guajardo suffered from migraines; at times often debilitating. After 40 years of trying to figure out their triggers, Mike discovered they were caused by a food allergy to fresh and dried onions (cooked onions were fine)! As an avid lover of salsas and pico de gallos, Mike refused to give up eating them and instead focused on creating a cooked salsa full of flavor that would not trigger his food allergies and the Five Pepper Sweet Salsa was born!
In the beginning, Mike kept the salsa private for his own use, but over time, enough people loved the salsa and asked to buy it, fueling a demand that continues to grow. Today, Mike concentrates on growing the company, our line of salsas and our brand..
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